Sunday, May 29, 2022

Amalia Braunsthal camera

 Amalia and her family is building a Glamping site in Söderköping archipelago and you can follow her life here:

Their vlogg is pretty good quality and this is the camera that she uses.

Unfortunatly I can't see which model it is but perhaps you can? It looks like a nice setup in any case.

Amalia Braunsthal camera setup.
Amalia Braunsthal camera setup.
Picture from: 


The video is released 26 may 2022.

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Here's another picture, still can't see the modell though.

Episode: "det tar på förhållandet" public: 5 may 2022

21:50 (They are arguing when to fix the car that has gotten stuck).

Big lens on a smaller camera?


The mobile phone she uses is this, looks like some iPhone modell right (I don't recognize):

@ amaliabrauns (from her Insta)